The ISD2021 conference emphasizes a number of new and well established tracks. Click on the track title to see the details on conference tracks, topics and track chairs.
ISD2021 Valencia, Spain
T1: Managing IS Development and Operations
Information Systems Development (ISD) evolves and creates new socio-technical Information Systems (IS) comprising processes, people and technologies. Indeed, ISD is more than the typical software development activities; it also must deal with the increasing systemic socio-economic, political and environmental problems. In practice, today’s business model largely depends upon the integration of software development (Dev) and information technology operations (Ops). DevOps aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide rapid and continuous delivery with high quality software and high business value to customers.
In this year’s edition we expect a dynamic sharing and discussion of ideas and experiences about innovative practices, methods, and technologies. We invite submissions from researchers and practitioners in all topics on managing IS development and, particularly aligned with the main theme of the conference, also encourage contributions on information technology operations in continuous delivery environments.
Track topics include (but not limited to):
- Agile enterprise models and methods
- Knowledge management for IS development
- Business continuity management
- Business IT alignment
- Data storage and computation in the cloud
- Requirements Engineering for DevOps
- DevOps practices for IS development
- Model-driven development and technologies for DevOps
- Tools to support DevOps processes in IS development
- Emerging issues in managing DevOps in IS development
- Continuous integration and continuous delivery in IS development
- Infrastructure as Code and IS
- Microservices in IS development
- Coordination and verification of continuously deployed systems
- Social and cultural aspects in continuous IS development
- Enterprise Architecture Management
- IT governance and management
- IT project management
- Interdisciplinary problems in managing IS development
- IoT-driven and IoT-enabled IS development and management
- Cloud-based IS engineering
- Monitoring and auditing in the cloud
- Quality of IS models and design
- Quality of services in IS
- Servers and desktop virtualization
- Service-oriented IS engineering
- Service Level Management (SLA)
- Strategies for IS development
Track chairs:
Ana Moreira
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
João Araújo
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Track program committee:
Dominique Blouin - Telecom Paris, France
Markus Borg - RISE SICS AB, Sweden
Dominik Bork - BIG TU Wien, Austria
Nelly Condori Fernández - University of A Coruña, Spain
Maya Daneva - University of Twente, Netherlands
Jose Luis de la Vara - University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Ilias Gerostathopoulos - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Abel Gómez - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
Jane Hayes - University of Kentucky, Kentucky, USA
Eric Knauss - Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Seok-Won Lee - Ajou University, South Korea
Grischa Liebel - Reykjavik University, Iceland
Mariana Maia Peixoto - Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Beatriz Marin - Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
Miguel Mira-da-Silva - Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Barbara Paech - Universität Heidelberg, Germany
Claudia Pons - Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
Paulo Rupino-Da-Cunha - University of Coimbra, Portugal
Mehrdad Sabetzadeh - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Kurt Schneider - Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Christopher Vendome - Miami University, Ohio, USA
Colin Venters - University of Hudderfield, United Kingdom
ISD2021 Valencia, Spain
T2: IS Methodologies and Education
This track focuses on two broad areas: 1) methodologies for Information Systems (IS) development, and 2) IS development education. The goal is to create a forum of discussion and dissemination of novel, relevant and rigorous research as well as industrial, professional and practical experiences that address: 1) challenges and opportunities faced by various stakeholders in the development of IS, and 2) challenges and opportunities in the education of IS professionals.
A special interest is in research addressing these challenges and opportunities by taking into account the needs and characteristics of sustainable development, sharing economy, big data and information society, environmental and social responsibility, and by considering the IS as socio-technical systems. In this year’s edition we especially encourage contributions to further advance the foundations of IS development, and come up with innovative methodologies for IS development and operations in continuous delivery environments.
The track invites submissions on:
- Theoretical foundations and best practices related to methodologies and modelling of IS from design to implementation, evaluation and impact assessment.
- Theoretical foundations and best practices related to the design, implementation, evaluation, adoption, and use of IS in formal and informal educational contexts in IS development.
- Theoretical and empirical contributions to understanding and shaping methodological and educational aspects in IS development.
- Methodological contributions to IS development and IS development education.
Track topics include (but not limited to):
- Methodologies for IS development:
- IS development in a sharing society
- Theoretical contributions to socio-technical systems and development methodologies
- Conceptualization and operationalization of concepts related to socio-technical systems development
- Ethical aspects related to IS development and to socio-technical systems
- Agility in IS development
- Methodological aspects of DevOps in IS development
- Deployment methodologies for IS development and operations
- Empirical studies of DevOps usage in IS organizations
- Big Data analysis and visualization systems design and development
- Open-source system development methodologies
- Crowd-source system development methodologies
- Non-relational data models
- User-centered design and development methodologies
- Case studies of IS and socio-technical systems design and development
- IS modelling and simulation
- Creativity and innovation in methodologies for IS development
- IS requirements engineering
- Model-based IS development
- Business process analysis and design, modelling and simulation
- Standards related to IS development
- IS development education:
- Educational systems design, development and evaluation
- Longitudinal and comparative studies of learning
- Education for IS development
- IS development education in developing regions
- Open educational resources in IS development education
- IS development and teaching of programming
- Work-integrated learning
- Social and crowd computing in educational contexts
- User generated content in IS development education
- Activity theory approaches to IS development education
- HCI issues in IS development for education
- Curriculum development, including local implementation of AIS/IEEE/ACM curricula
- Digital literacy
- Creativity and innovation in IS development education
- Instructional design
- Ethical aspects related to IS education
- Serious games, gamification and virtual worlds for learning
- Social media and learning
- Computer supported collaborative learning
- Learning platforms: mobile apps, MOOC
- Socio-constructivism in IS development education
Track chairs:
Alfred Zimmermann
Reutlingen University, Germany
Giuseppe Scanniello
University of Basilicata, Italy
Track program committee:
João Barata - University of Coimbra, Portugal
Danilo Caivano - University of Bari, Italy
Oscar Diaz -University of the Basque Country, Spain
Jānis Grabis - Riga Technical University, Latvia
Carmine Gravino - University of Salerno, Italy
Björn Johansson - Linköping University, Sweden
Birger Lantow - University of Rostock, Germany
Yoshimasa Masuda - Keio University, Japan
Elena Navarro - University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Ovidiu Noran - Griffith University, Australia
Malgorzata Pankowska - University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
Iris Reinhartz-Berger - University of Haifa, Israel
Kurt Sandkuhl - The University of Rostock, Germany
Julio Sandobalín - Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador
Marco Santorum - Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador
Rainer Schmidt - Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Monique Snoeck - Research Center for Information Systems Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium
Karen Stendal - University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway
Janis Stirna - Stockholm University, Sweden
Ann Svensson - University West, Sweden
Torben Tambo - Aarhus University, Denmark
ISD2021 Valencia, Spain
T3: Security, Privacy and Trust in IS
Information Systems (IS) are contributing to transformative changes in business, society and environment hitting our working and everyday life. In this context, a number of issues can be identified related to technological, legal and organisational challenges and risks facing privacy, security and trust in IS development. Thus, it is important to understand the range of solutions which are available for providing secure, privacy-compliant, and trustworthy mechanisms for IS development.
Security concerns the confidentiality, integrity, availability and non-repudiation of data or involved information systems. Authentication and authorization mechanisms in order to prevent unauthorized users to access the system need to be guaranteed as well as. Concerning Privacy, both data protection and users’ personal information confidentiality have to be ensured, since humans and devices may manage sensitive information. This is often understood as compliance with national or international data protection regulation. Finally, Trust revolves around assurance and confidence that people, data, organizations, information or processes shall behave as expected ways; Trust may be analysed in different scopes and relationships, such as human to human, machine to machine, human to machine or machine to human. At a deeper level, trust might be regarded as a consequence of progress towards security or privacy objectives. In this sense, the promotion of security and privacy best practices builds end-user’s trust in IS development.
This track focusses on tackling the challenges of improving and expanding IS development trust capabilities to guarantee security and privacy.
This track welcomes original contributions in all aspects of security, privacy and trust (SP&T) in IS development. Authors are invited to submit papers of either practical or theoretical nature. In this year’s edition, we especially encourage contributions to further advance the state-of-the art in secure, privacy-compliant, and trustworthy mechanisms for IS development in continuous delivery environments.
Track topics include (but not limited to):
- SP&T management
- SP&T and related qualities, like surveillance, resilience
- SP&T in requirements and tests engineering
- SP&T in IS development
- SP&T in continuously deployed systems and operations
- Ethical considerations
- Risk management
- Risks and cost benefit analysis
- Human aspects of SP&T and usability
- Privacy policies
- SP&T in law
- SP&T awareness and education
- Vulnerability analysis and countermeasures
- Transparency
Track chairs:
Alberto Rodrigues da Silva
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Daniela Soares Cruzes
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Track program committee:
Chris Barry - National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Karin Bernsmed - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Achim Brucker - University of Exeter, United Kingdom
Danilo Caivano - University of Bari, Italy
Ana Cavalli - Telecom SudParis, France
Miguel Correia - Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Christophe Feltus - Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
Martin Gilje Jaatun - SINTEF Digital, Norway
Tim Majchrzak - University of Agder, Norway
Andreas Poller - Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology, Germany
Sven Türpe - Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology, Germany
ISD2021 Valencia, Spain
T4: Incorporating Human-Computer Interaction into IS
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is an interdisciplinary research field that addresses the design, use, adoption, and evaluation of Information Technology with a focus on the interfaces between humans and computers. As such, HCI influences any interactive application, especially information systems (IS). Therefore, exploring, analysing, and understanding how HCI models, methods, tools, and practices could be incorporated into and positively affect the development life cycle of an information system is key and represents the central theme of this track. Understanding IS development from HCI can be studied from an individual, group, organizational, social, or cultural perspective.
In order to precisely identify where and how HCI can be incorporated into IS, it is important to state in which development stage (e.g., requirements engineering, early design, detailed design and analysis, programming, deployment, evaluation) and for which software quality property (e.g., ISO 25010 software quality factors such as usability, but not only).
Among these software quality properties are User Experience (UX) and Customer Experience (CX). UX expresses how a person behaves when interacting with an Is, by encompassing any form of HCI. Customer Experience (CX) is the result of every interaction a customer has with an organization as a whole, which goes beyond interacting merely with the IS of this organization. In order to achieve high-quality UX/CX in an organization's offerings, there must be a seamless merging of multiple disciplines, including marketing, graphical design, and interface development life cycle.
Submissions from researchers and practitioners discussing new and emerging issues or improvements of traditional approaches are welcome to this track. In this year’s edition, we especially encourage contributions to further advance the incorporation of human-computer interaction in continuous delivery of information systems.
Note that any submission to this track should identify which type of IS and which HCI model, method, tool or practice are of concerns. Any submission failing to identify those two aspects will not be considered. For example, a submission concerning a user interface of another type of system than an IS or without mentioning the system type.
Track topics include (but not limited to):
- Incorporating HCI models, methods, tools and practices into IS development lifecycle
- Novel applications of HCI theories, techniques, and methodologies to IS development
- User-centered approaches for understanding the user in IS development
- Supporting individual users, their qualities, preferences, and actions
- Interaction design and assessment for organizational and business applications
- Interface for information visualization and analytics in IS
- HCI and individual and organizational routines and practices for IS
- Bridging the gap between satisfying organizational needs and supporting human users
- Physical, cognitive and affective aspects of IS design
- Human workload and other human factors in IS
- User/customer experience
- factors along with evaluation techniques and measures
- design for continuous IS delivery
- in continuously deployed systems
- design practices and guidelines in DevOps environments
- in specific domains (e.g., healthcare, ambient assisted living, automotive systems, autonomous cars)
- in multi-, cross- and omni-channel experiences
Track chairs:
Jean Vanderdonckt
Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Mikko Rajanen
University of Oulu, Finland
Track program committee:
José Creissac Campos - University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
Netta Iivari - University of Oulu, Finland
Marianne Kinnula - University of Oulu, Finland
Yann Laurillau - University Grenoble-Alpes, France
Sophie Lepreux - Université Polytehnique Hauts-De-France, France
Pedro J. Molina - Metadev, Spain
Norbert Pataki - Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Jorge Luis Pérez Medina - Universidad de Las Américas, Ecuador
Costin Pribeanu - Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, Romania
Philippe Renevier - Université Côte d'Azur, France
Ahmed Seffah - Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
Marco Winckler - Université Côte d'Azur, France
ISD2021 Valencia, Spain
T5: Green and Sustainable IS
Societies must tackle environmental issues and adopt environmentally sound practices. IT is a significant and growing part of the environmental problems we face today but it can also be part of the solution. Hence, we are ethically required to adopt a holistic approach to minimize the environmental impact of IS because it is our responsibility to help create a more sustainable environment.
IS infrastructure is placing a heavy burden on our electric grids and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, IT hardware poses severe environmental problems both during its production and its disposal. But not only the infrastructure of the IS must be considered, the IS software implies also energy consumption. It is of prime importance to be conscious of the impact that a bad design or development of an IS' software can have on the energy required to run.
The public call upon IS sector is to green their IT systems by improving energy efficiency, using less harmful materials and fostering reuse and recycling. In this regard, we need to better understand the environmental impacts arising from IS, how products, services, operations, applications, and practices can be environmentally friendly, which are the standards or regulations to comply, and finally, how IS can help organizations and society with environmental issues.
We invite submissions from researchers and practitioners in all topics related to the design, development, and management of green and sustainable IS that may contribute to solve these problems in a long term. In this year’s edition, we especially encourage contributions to further advance the state-of-the art of green and sustainable IS development in continuous delivery environments.
Track topics include (but not limited to):
- Energy-efficient computing for IS
- IS design, development and evaluation for environmental sustainability
- Sustainable management of IS development
- Sustainability in continuously deployed systems
- Issues of sustainable development in IS development
- Issues of social and environmental responsibility in IS development
- IS for responsible disposal and recycling
- IS for eco-labelling of IT products
- IS for managing ongoing compliance and sustainable growth
- Green metrics, assessment tools, and methodologies for sustainable IS
- Standards for sustainable IS
- IS and digital media for communicating environmental issues and risks
- IS and digital media for climate change action
- IS and environmental technology
Track chairs:
Coral Calero
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Dorina Rajanen
University of Oulu, Finland
Track program committee:
Elina Annanperä - University of Oulu, Finland
Ruzanna Chitchyan - University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Felix Garcia - Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Patricia Lago - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
David Langley - University of Groningen, Netherlands
Irene Lizeth Manotas Gutiérrez - IBM
Ma Ángeles Moraga - Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Stefan Naumann - University of Applied Sciences Trier, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld, Germany
ISD2021 Valencia, Spain
T6: Current Topics in IS Development
The everyday practice of IS development is very diverse. IS development is becoming an increasingly important aspect of transforming business and society in a dynamic context characterized by fast change. Current IS development has to respond to an environment where technologies and innovations such as social media, big data, the Internet of things, mobile, blockchain and cloud computing are the drivers of digital transformation. Digital transformation significantly influences business strategies, processes, products and services by enabling new ways of working leading to an agile, innovative, efficient, and powerful new workforce.
The track welcomes original contributions in all aspects of IS development not covered by the other conference tracks. Authors are also invited to submit papers of IS development in combination with other methodological approaches such as co-design, open source, crowdsourced, and community-based development.
Track topics include (but not limited to):
- Digital innovation in IS development
- IS development and its role in digitalisation and digital transformation
- IS development and its impact on business, work and society
- IS development and digital business models and strategies
- IS development and platform and ecosystem development
- Business strategy and governance in IS development
- IS development and app and service development
- IS development for entrepreneurship
- IS development and social networks
- IS development and onshoring
- Offshoring and globalisation of the development process
- IS development and participatory design, co-design and development
- IS development Wireless applications
- IS development Multimedia applications
- IS development Cloud applications
- IS development IoT applications
- Social and organizational factors in the success or failure of IS projects
Track chairs:
Vaclav Repa
University of Economics Prague, Czech Republic
Malgorzata Pankowska
University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
Track program committee:
Cheuk-Hang Au - University of Sydney, Australia
Peter Bernus - Griffith University, Australia
Tomáš Bruckner - University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic
Alena Buchalcevova - University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic
Justin Filippou - The University of Melbourne, Australia
Ahmad Ghazawneh - Halmstad University, Sweden
Mairéad Hogan - National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Henry Linger - Monash University, Australia
Nearchos Paspallis - University of Central Lancashire - Cyprus campus (UCLan Cyprus), Cyprus
Dijana Plantak Vukovac - University of Zagreb, Croatia
Marios Raspopoulos - University of Central Lancashire - Cyprus campus (UCLan Cyprus), Cyprus
Karel Richta - Czech Technical University, Czech Republic
Artur Strzelecki - University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
Oleg Svatoš - University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic